Coordinated Access

Coordinated Access Overview

Coordinated Access is a structured and fair method for allocating and managing housing resources for homeless individuals in a community. The goals of Coordinated Access include achieving accurate matches, enhancing community collaboration, maximizing housing success, and connecting clients to support and housing. It is employed for its equity, accuracy, efficiency, accountability, and proven effectiveness in reducing homelessness in other communities.

Coordinated Access Resources

How does it Work?

  • Enroll all homeless individuals in the community into the Homelessness Individual and Families Information System (HIFIS) database to create a pool of candidates for the By-Name List.
  • Assessing each individual’s level of need using a Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (SPDAT) assessment to determine the most suitable types of support.
  • Applying prioritization criteria from the By-Name List prioritization matrix to categorize individuals based on their priority.
  • Making a match and providing a referral to the selected housing opportunity.

Access Points

Access Points are locations or organizations where individuals can reach out or visit to connect with Coordinated Access. Access points in PEI include:


  1. John Howard Society of PEI

  2. Peers Alliance

  3. Community Outreach Center

  4. Park Street Shelter

  5. Blooming House

  6. LifeHouse 

  7. Salvation Army

  8. PEI Family Violence Prevention Services

  9. Native Council of PEI

  10. Chief Mary Bernard Women’s Shelter

  11. Summerside Emergency Shelter

  12. Canadian Mental Health Association

  13. Provincial Housing Navigators

  14. Reach Foundation

  15. Lennon House

Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (SPDAT)

An assessment tool for frontline workers at agencies who work with homeless individuals to prioritize which individuals should receive assistance first. To learn more and access SPDAT resources, please click the link below.


The Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) database is a comprehensive data collection and case management system that supports the day-to-day operations of Canadian homeless service providers. To learn more and access HIFIS resources, please click below. 


Data Source: HIFIS 04/11/2024 | Dashboard data updated bi-weekly

Please note that individuals experiencing homelessness include sheltered homelessness (homeless shelter, violence against women shelter, hotel or motel, and transitional housing), unsheltered (vehicle, street, outdoors, encampment), and hidden homelessness (couch surfing, or discharged into homelessness from a correctional institution, medical facility, mental health or substance use facility).

Coordinated Access Partner Organizations

This project is funded by the Government of Canada     

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